Fire pit

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Nyx was out the front, working out the best way to maneuver some large pieces of flint to the garden at the back of the house. Rachel hadn't liked the idea of a fire pit, but Travis and Nick had loved it, obtaining flints to make the ring in the back garden. Nyx just hoped Rachel was gonna change her mind, otherwise her and Travis's efforts would be all in vain.
Nyx stacked flint into Travis's arms, grunting with the effort. Travis stumbled back slightly, buckling under the weight. "I hope your gonna carry some, munchkin. I'm not doing all the work."
Nyx pouted. "What's it with everyone giving me stupid nicknames? Monkey, munchkin, lots of m's."
She scooped a couple of the large stones up in her arms. "Let's go then."

"Excuse me, but is this Rachel L'ange's house... oh, hello again!"

Nyx looked up. It was the woman from the shop, the sharp featured, tall woman.
Nyx smiled weakly. "Uh, hello. Yeah, this is her house. Um... why... may I ask why your here?"
The lady smiled elegantly. Nyx found herself resenting the lady for the same reasons she didn't really like Jace. She didn't trust pretty people.

"I'm here because I have uncovered something I need Rachel to take a look at. Anyway, how are you... Alysha, was it?"

Nyx froze. Alysha. Like from her dream. This couldn't just be a coincidence, could it?
"Uh... Nyx actually."
The lady's laughed slightly. "Is that a nickname then? Nyx. It's very cool."
Nyx smiled politely, gritting her teeth. "No, it's not a nickname. My name actually is Nyx."

"Could have sworn it was Alysha." The lady frowned, though a cheerful light still danced in her eyes. Nyx could have sworn she was doing this on purpose, as a joke or something. Heck, she'd even called her Nyx when they'd first met. Without being told.
That memory aroused Nyx's suspicion. First her name, then the name from her dream. It was as if the lady had read her mind, or pulled them out of thin air.

She eyed the woman suspiciously. Time to do some detective work.
"And your name is..."
"Mater. Lady Mater."

A lady, hmm? Lady of what? How do you know us? Who are you really?

And she has a name! Lady Mater, hmm?
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