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"So let me just get this one hundred percent straight. You want me to use some strange mirror power to resurrect Sebastian Morgenstern? As in, burn-the-world, kill-lots-of- people, my-mum-refuses-to-tell- me-anything-else Sebastian Morgenstern? Cause I'm leaning towards no."
Lilith grabbed her face, dragging her close. "Look, I would like nothing better than to kill you. As history has shown, I hate the Guardian. I hate you. But ironically, I need your help. So you better do as I say."
Nyx raised an eyebrow. "You know, that's another reason why I'm not helping. As long as I'm needed, you can't kill me. And let's face it, this is literally your only option. I'm the one holding the cards, and you know it."
Lilith slapped her across the face, sending her flying.
Nyx hit the floor hard. "Oww. That hurt. You know, that's not encouraging me to help you. Maybe you should try asking nicely?"
Lilith stormed over, dragging Nyx up by her arms. Nyx gulped. "Or not."

Maddie screamed again as the contractions wracked her body. Alec stroked her forehead, trying to calm her down.
Lady Mater looked at him over Maddie's head. "It's no use, it looks like we're going to be delivering this baby."
Alec gulped nervously. "Do you know how?"
Lady Mater smiled, worry and nerves written over her face. "I've given birth before. It's not medical training, but I remember what happened. You just hold her head on your lap and try to keep her calm. Talk to her, maybe. We have no drugs or medical facilities, so let's just... be prepared, okay?"
Maddie looked up at Alec, smiling weakly. "Sorry. Baby's impatient. I tried to explain, but the kid's ignoring me alrea... owwww!"

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