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Nyx awoke in the infirmary, her arm itching like crazy.
She scratched it ferociously, then yelped in surprise when she saw what was there.
A rune.

After all that had happened, after everything she'd been through, that was the one thing that sent her over the edge.
She burst into tears, sobbing into her hands.
Cool arms pulled her into a hug, rocking her gently. "Sweetheart, its okay, it's okay, don't cry little bird."
Rachel smoothed Nyx's hair, trying to calm her traumatized daughter.

"But... but... but I don't understand!" Nyx wailed, sobbing into her mother's shoulder. "Any of it... I don't understand any of it!"
"I don't really understand any of it either, sweetheart. But that doesn't really matter. I love you anyway and I'm so glad you're safe." Rachel wiped Nyx's tears away, looking into her eyes. "But we're going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another."

"But... Magic and Runes and... Draugr-Zombie things... And what even happened in the caves? And how can I even take Runes? And... my arm itches and my head hurts, but for different reasons and... The world's gone weird."
Rachel chuckled, pulling her young daughter close. "Well, at least we've determined that. The world is very weird. The rune is thanks to your Shadowhunter buddies, I told them you wouldn't like it but it was that or stitches in your throat. And... Well, I think maybe it's best you read this." She handed Nyx a stack of paper. "It's the results of your blood-test. No, your not ill and going to turn into a Draugr-zombie thing. But it will explain a lot."
Nyx took the paper, fingering it slightly. Rachel looked at her expectantly.
Nibbling her lip, Nyx went to turn the page.
And stopped.

She threw it down on the bedside table. "Maybe later. I think I'm quite happy being a mystery just for the moment. Besides, I'm still processing the information from yesterday's potholing trip. I don't need to be confused further. Now, where's my new niece?"

Muwah ha ha ha ha! You shall never know what it says!
Nah, you will, eventually. When I feel like it.

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