Wake up call

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Next morning, Nyx was woken by a loud bang, followed by a string of swear words. Travis was obviously attempting to make breakfast.
Groaning, she rolled out of bed and plodded down the stairs, rubbing at her gritty eyes. Her dark curls tangled around her face, obstructing her vision and irritating her to no end.

She stumbled into the kitchen and slumped down on a stool at the breakfast bar. Travis smirked at her disgruntled expression. "Well, someone's a ray of sunshine this morning!"
Nyx snarled and snatched the plate of bacon from his hands.

Selene stumbled out of the living room. "Man my head hurts!" She whined. "Pass me some aspirin. And why was I asleep on the floor in the living room?"
Nyx snorted, suppressing laughter. "There's no way I was dragging your lazy ass upstairs. It was bad enough driving you home. If I hear another verse of Copacabana, I will kill something. Rachel not home yet?"
Travis shook his head. "Apparently, she spent the night at Jackson's. Which means we aren't going to be in trouble for last night's incidents, as long as we keep hushed."
Nyx nodded in agreement. Last thing they needed was angry 'momma' warlock to discover her 'children' snuck out. None of them were actually related, but they were all misfits, not clicking well with the rest of their kind, and so instead they had banded together and made their own family. The house was technically Rachel's, but she had cast herself with the roll of mother and so had taken in the others to live with her.
Nyx munched her bacon, zoning out into her own thoughts. Distantly, she could hear Travis and Selene arguing about something or other. She sighed inwardly. So, it was going to be one of those days.

Picture is of how I see Nyx.
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