No ordinary therapist

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Nyx's first thoughts were somewhere between "What on earth just happened?", "oh, look, it's the blob." And "AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGH!"

The creature, that had a moment ago been the therapist, expanded outwards to become a gelatinous, slimy bodied entity, thrumming with a kind of dark red glow. "Tell me!" It rasped, it's voice scratching and grinding in Nyx's skull.
Nyx scrambled for the door, tearing it open and throwing herself through it, into the hall. The creature came after her, oozing along behind her. A long tendril of its jelly-like body shot out like an arm in an attempt to grab her. She ducked and threw herself sideways, snatching up a plastic chair and brandishing it like a weapon. The creature lunged again, and she beat it away with the chair.
"That's it, stay back!"
She shouted, adrenaline rushing through her veins, blood pumping in her ears, echoing through her skull.
Another tendril shot out, knocking the chair from her grasp. Nyx stumbled back, falling hard on her backside. She rolled to the side, evading a third gelatinous tentacle. Her head bashed against something hard, stunning her slightly. She felt her hair dampen, as a trickle of blood sprang from the wound.

"Tell me what you saw! Tell me!" It practically screamed.
Nyx smirked, surprising both herself and the demon.
"Now, now, that's no way to ask. Little children who ask like that get sent to the naughty step." She scrambled back onto her feet, glancing around for an exit. There.
She turned back to the monster in front of her. "But I'm guessing your mummy didn't want to stick around your ugly face long enough to teach you any manners."

She charged off down the hall, the creature roaring and tearing up the building behind her. She dived through one of the doors into a storeroom and threw herself into cupboard, just as the creature entered.
"I know your in here. Come out, come out wherever you are."

Nyx's vision blurred, though it was hard to tell in the dark cupboard. She felt lightheaded. Damn, the wound was obviously worse than she thought. She concentrated on staying awake. If she fell unconscious, it could be a long time before anyone found her.
"I can smell your blood." It hissed gleefully. "It's is strong and sweet, and leading me straight to you."
Nyx could see the shadow of the demon under the door of the cupboard. It was getting closer, and closer. Then...
Muffled voices, human voices, in the room. She heard the creature hiss in alarm, and then give a high pitched squealing sound, then...
Go silent.

"Look around for whatever it was hunting." Someone said.

Nyx swam in and out of focus. She could feel herself slipping away.
"Someone check that cupboard." Another voice said.

Burning light lit Nyx's vision as someone opened the door. A blurry shape filled her sight.

"Hey, plate-smasher." Whispered a familiar voice, though Nyx couldn't place it.

Her vision went black as she sunk into darkness.

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