Paper clues

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Jace and Alec turned up to the scene soon after to discover a dead infected faery slowly leaking black blood from a stab wound through its stomach, a demon whimpering in a corner, tied to a skip with old electrical cables and Maddie leaning casually against a wall, filing her nails.
"Hello boys, what took you so long?"

"Oh, you know, we had to go back for Alec's handbag."

Alec punched Jace in the arm, hard.
Maddie laughed, rolling her eyes. "Well, whilst you two ladies were getting all doled up, I discovered something."
She gestured to the demon crouching next to the skip.

Jace grinned. "Hate to break it to you, but demons aren't anything new. Unless you're talking about the cable or the skip, neither of which are new either."

Maddie resisted the urge to strangle him. Just.
"No, that's not what I mean. The... infected faery thingy, over there, with the blood," she gestured to the dead faery. "He was threatening this demon, and like, trying to get some information out of him..."
She petered off. The boys were looking at her, obviously unimpressed.
She tried again. "Uh, okay. Listen, actually listen, you know, with your ears. The faery was after some information from this demon, about some manuscript or something. I think it might be important, like a clue or something about what the heck is going on and... quick, grab him!"
The demon had cut his way out of his bonds. He tore off down the road, the shadowhunters in hot pursuit.

Jace got to him first, grabbing his arm, but the demon twisted and wriggled, escaping his grip, leaving the with nothing but his leather jacket. He raced into the shadows and disappeared.

"Damn!" Yelled Maddie, running her fingers through her hair frustratedly. "Well, chances are we'll never see him again. Our only lead, gone."

"Maybe not." Murmured Jace. He had been rifling through the jackets pockets, and withdrew a scrap of torn, aged paper. "You said they were looking for some manuscript, right? Well, this looks like it could be part of one."

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