Party plans.

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The next few days were just depressing. Travis was still freaking out over the whole baby thing, Selene was mourning her lasted-no-longer-than-a-mento relationship, Nyx was stir crazy, Rachel super paranoid and Nick just decided to stay out of everyone's way.
Rachel looked down the dinner table at her children. Everyone looked shell shocked, exhausted and utter slobs. Selene even had a cowlick, though no one mentioned it.
"Well then," Rachel started, trying to strike up a conversation."Nyx's birthday in a week. Anyone got any ideas to celebrate?"
"I don't really mind, as long as it involves balloons. And presents. And food. And cupcakes." Nyx said, picking at her dinner.
Travis snorted. "Cupcakes count as food. Why'd you need to add it separately?"
"Couldn't risk it being left out. According to this lady, broccoli is food."
Rachel rolled her eyes. "Broccoli is food, Nyx. I really don't understand your aversion. Aren't you a little old for this?"
"There is a little child inside this girl." Nyx said, grinning and patting her chest. "The doctor's say if they remove it, I'll die."

Nick gave a half hearted laugh. He grinned at her over the table. "So then, what do you want for your presents?"
Selene broke her moping long enough to smirk. " Uh oh, uh oh! Maday! Maday! Iceberg! Advoid the iceberg!"
Nick looked at her strangely. "What the..."
Nyx laughed at her performance and his reaction. "We're currently avoiding that question as Mum and I can't agree on what counts as a suitable present."
Rachel sighed despairingly. "For the last time, you cannot have a tattoo!"
"Please, pretty please, pretty please, pretty please! With cherries on top! And sprinkles and whipped cream!"
"Just let her have one, Rach." Argued Nick. "I have one. You never objected to that."
"That's because until this moment I didn't know you had one!"
Nyx couldn't help but laugh as Rachel yelled at Nick. God, he was getting a third degree.

From the living room, came the sound of shattering glass.

Has anyone got any ideas for a last name for Maddie? I just realized she didn't have one, and I couldn't think of one that sounded Shadowhunter.

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