Sibling love

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"Nyx! Did you tie-dye my bedsheets?"
Nikolaus stormed through the house. Nyx crouched behind the sofa, keeping very still.
Selene walked into the room. "Nick, what's the problem?"
Nick gave an infuriated groan. "Our charming little sister has taken clothes dye to all my bedding. Now everything is pink and blue swirls!"
"I'm not the little sister, I was here before you were!"
Nyx slammed a hand over her mouth, but it was too late. Once again, her big mouth had got her into trouble.
Nyx squealed as Nick dragged her out from her hiding place.
"Why'd you do it, you little monster?"

"Well, uh, got bored? Oh, look at that, it's Selene's date, right on time!"
She pointed out of the window. A flashy black car was turning on the driveway.
"Oh, that's him! Gotta run!" She scrambled for her handbag, running a hand through her hair.
She turned back to her waring siblings. "Don't kill each other too much whilst I'm gone."

The door slammed behind her. Nyx giggled. "This is why I don't date. 'ooooh, he's here, the handsome prince charming, who'll offer me the whole world, but will ultimately result in the brutal crushing of my heart. Does my hair look okay?' "

Nick nodded in agreement. "Yeah, an... and he's stupid too!"
Nyx gave Nick an odd look.
"Yeah, keep working on those insults. You'll get there."

Travis stumbled down the stairs, oblivious to the previous fiasco.

Nyx smiled sugar-sweetly. "Just the man I was looking for." Taking his arm and marching him into the kitchen.

"Call her, call her now."
"I can't. I don't know what I'm going to do!"
Nyx took him by the shoulders and shook him violently.
"Well, DECIDE! She's giving me hell. Call her and talk to her about it!"
Travis was visibly on the verge of tears. "I can't. I'll feel incredibly guilty, and awkward, and embarrassed."
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Maybe your not hearing right. She's having your BABY! You call her now and you come up with some solution, or so help me, I'll..."
"Alright, alright, I'll call her."

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