Night terrors and bedtime stories

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It was dark. So dark. Nyx couldn't see. Couldn't feel. She didn't like it at all. It made her feel small and alone.
There was something in the dark. Something dark and terrifying, pouring fear into Nyx's mind and soul.
Pain. And dark. And hate. And fear.

Nyx woke up screaming. "MUUUUMMY!"

Rachel rushed into the room, tying her dressing gown belt and brushing caramel hair away from her eyes. "Mummy's here, Mummy's here. Was it nightmares again?"
Nyx nodded.
Rachel put her arms around her, pulling her close.
"You wanna tell me about it?"
Nyx shook her head. "Don't really remember."
They sat together on the bed, Rachel gently rocking Nyx in her arms.
Nyx cuddled close to her, playing with Rachel's fingers. Nyx always thought Rachel's fingernails were beautiful. They had this gorgeous blue-white pattern, like chips of marble attached to her fingers. Nyx had never seen anything else quite like them.
"Rachel?" She started.
"Will you tell me a bedtime story?"
Rachel chuckled. "Aren't you a little old for bedtime stories?"
Nyx crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip.
"No, I'm an ikkle baby. Storwy pwease?"

Rachel laughed again, throwing her head back.
"Alright. Once upon a time... There was a bird. A bird who was very sad, because she couldn't have any little baby birds of her own. But one day she found a sick little baby bird, all alone. So she offered to help find the baby birds family, but the little bird said she didn't have any. So the big bird told the little bird that she could stay with her until she got better.
The little bird agreed, but wouldn't tell her her name, saying she didn't want it anymore.
They stayed together for eight months, until one day the little bird told the big bird that it was her birthday. So of course the big bird asked her what she would like for her present. The little bird thought for a moment and replied, "I want to stay with you for ever and ever!"
So the baby bird got a new mummy, and a new name, and eventually some brothers and a sister. And they all lived happily together in their nest. The end."
"I like that story." Mumbled a sleepy Nyx. "Though you left out the bit about how they first found eldest brother bird, collapsed in the lounge after a party and he never moved out."

"Yes, well that doesn't sound very fairy tale, does it? Now go to sleep, baby bird."

Nyx yawned a final time and closed her eyes. "Night, Night Mummy bird."

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