Cheap hotels are hell

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They ended up bunking in a cheap roadside hotel a few blocks away from their house. The food was only just edible, the general hygiene of the place debatable and the rooms pokey with uncomfortable beds. And Nyx had to share a room, which didn't help her overall opinion of the place.
They had three rooms between the whole family, one for the boys, one for Nyx and Selene and one for Rachel all by herself.
Nyx had protested, but had no choice but to comply.
Currently, she was squatting on her bed, eyeing Selene evilly from the other side of the room. They'd had a little falling out over who was sleeping where, wardrobe space and just what the other had brought with them. Selene had almost had a fit when she realized Nyx had brought with her her entire collection of lucky troll dolls and displayed them on the nightstand

In Nyx's opinion, if she wasn't allowed the trolls, Selene wasn't allowed her make up bag. This had resulted in a cat fight which ended with Rachel confiscating the aforementioned items.

Now the girls were having an evil looks war across the room. It was hard to sulk properly without your own space.

A tentative knock came at the door. "Come in." Said Selene in a monotone voice. Nyx stayed silent. She was only ever this quiet when she was mad.

Travis wandered in. Taking in the frosty glares of the two girls he raised his hands in mock surrender. "Don't shoot! I'm a neutral party!"
He walked over to Nyx's bed and flopped down next to her. "Aww, is my likkle sister sulking?" He tickled her under the chin. "Coochie coochie coo, is likkle sister ticklish?!"
Nyx tried to freeze him out with a glare, but instead a smile cracked through and they ended up laughing whilst having a tickle fight.
Even Selene joined in.

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