Rachel ex machina

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Nyx stared down the wolf. It glared back, growling but not attacking.
A war of mental dominance took place between them, each trying to out stare the other. For Nyx, it was a war for survival. Failure would mean death.
And death by this creature would be the last way she wanted to go.

Nyx felt crackling under her skin, sparks ran up and down her spine, flashing like lighting through her body. She could feel herself almost buzzing with energy, creating herself an aura humming with power.

This was new. And scarily exhilarating.

Nyx saw something change in the wolfs eyes, as if it reconnected to itself for a second. It crouched low on its haunches, adverting its eyes in submission.

Nyx took the second of distraction to launch herself over the creature to the other side of the room, snatching a carving knife in one fluid movement.

The wolf snarled and jumped at her, pinning her down against the counter side. It lunged at her throat and Nyx slashed it with the knife. They struggled on the floor, both trying to incapacitate the other, when...

A bright flash of blue sent the wolf flying across the room.
"Get the hell away from my daughter!" Screamed Rachel, standing in the doorway, arms raised.
Nyx scurried to her feet, hurrying to stand behind her mother. Nick gave a half-hearted cheer from the corner and gagged again, the smell making him throw up.

The wolf attempted to right itself, but was quickly restrained by glowing gold ropes of magic.
Nyx looked at Rachel impressed. "Wow, Mum. You know, that was really badass."

The shadowhunters had turned up not long after. Maddie was there, accompanied by Alec, the blonde one Nyx thought was named Jace, but she decided just to call him blondie, a dark haired girl who was obviously Alec's sister or something, and a red haired one who the only thing Nyx cared about was that she was shorter than Nyx. There weren't many people who were, though according to Nyx she was the perfect size and everyone else were just freaks.
There was also an older woman with them, who turned out to be Alec's mother. She was talking with Rachel a little way away.
Nyx sat on the stairs with Selene, Travis and Nick as the others delt with the incident, twiddling their thumbs and wondering what the heck just happened.

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