Crystal clear memories

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The caves. She was back at the caves. But this time was different. Nyx couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt weird.
Almost unconsciously, she walked up to one of the large, reflective crystals, peering in inquisitively.

And almost gave herself a heart attack.

Looking back at her was a child. A small child, no more than four, with short-cropped frizzy hair surrounding her round face in a halo, small pudgy arms and legs, and a look of wonder on her face.
It was her. Nyx was looking at her four year old self.
Nyx was her four year old self.

A voice came from behind her. "Alysha, don't wander off."
It was him, the man in the dark, the man in her nightmares. Nyx could feel it in her gut.
Her baby self seemed to shrink, the wonder disappearing to be replaced with fear. "I won't. I promise." She squeaked.

But some promises are made to be broken.

"Alysha." A ghostly voice echoed through Nyx's mind. She felt her young self turn to the voice. "Hello? Who's there?" She whispered.

"Alysha, come over here. I need to ask you something."

Nyx's young self turned towards the nightmare man. He was busy, talking to another man, not paying any attention to her.
Nyx turned back towards the direction of the voice.
A faint silvery light glittered in the distance. "Alysha, over here. Please come, quickly, please. I need you."
Curiosity obviously won over any sense of obedience. Little Nyx set off in the direction of the light.
She toddled through a tunnel of the glittering jewels, deeper and deeper into the caves.
Further and further away from the others.
And that's when she saw her.
The lady.
Unearthly beautiful, she glowed lightly, her silver dress and dark hair floating gently as if in a breeze, though no wind blew.
Nyx's heart stopped for a second time.
She was looking at her grown up self.

Ooh, intriguing, right?
What do you think?
Is it just a weird dream, or something more?
Who do you think the woman is?
What do you think is going to happen?
Who is the 'nightmare man'?

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