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The women talked some more, none of it being anything Nyx found particularly informant.

She was beginning to consider leaving the others to it, as they obviously weren't so susceptible to boredom when the conversation and the movement in the room changed.
"... well Rachel, I'm so glad you see what I'm saying. Thank you for letting me borrow your book, I'll be sure to use it in my research. Be sure to visit me whenever you like, my manor is open to you. I think I shall be going now, so much to do."

Footsteps sounded approaching the door. The girls hurried away into the living room, attempting to look casual.
Nyx spoke in a hurried whisper.
"Okay, I just told you a really funny story, and you all laugh... now."
The door opened and Lady Mater walked out, followed by Rachel.
The girls let out falsetto laughs, Selene practically rolling on the floor for good measure.

Nyx turned to Lady Mater. "Oops, sorry, funny story. This one time when I was walking down the road and this old ladies dog... You know what? Never mind. Are you going so soon?"

"Yes, yes I am, but before I go, can I talk to you about something?"

Rachel visibly blanched, giving the 'don't-do-what-I-think-your- going-to-do' look.
Lady Mater laughed, looking at Rachel's face.
"Oh,don't worry mummy, I'm not gonna corrupt your innocent little baby. I simply want to offer her a job."
"A job?" Nyx gaped. "A job as what?"
"My personal assistant. I need someone hard working but easy to get along with. It's not that difficult, and the pays good."
Nyx eyed her warily. "Why are you asking me? What will this job entail?"
Lady Mater smiled angelically. "It'll consist of paper work, phone calls, general organization, carrying some of my stuff and possible around the world excursions. Not to often, though. Wouldn't want mummy getting empty nest syndrome." She said, winking at Rachel.

"Uh... I'll think about it?" It sounded like a question.
Lady Mater whipped out a business card and presented it to Nyx. "Call me when you decide. You know, you remind me of myself when I was young."
And before Nyx could ask what she meant by that, she was out of the door and gone.

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