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Nyx rapped her knuckles smartly against Nick's door.
He answered, squinting furiously at her. "What do you want? I'm busy!"
Nyx smiled sweetly. "Baby swister wants storwy." She lisped.
Nick scowled at her. "Once upon a time, there was an irritating little girl who if she didn't leave her brother alone, was going to end up head first in a trash can. The end."
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Alright, I'll make this simple. Do you or do you not know the legend of the Caves of Reflections or don't you."
Nick sighed in defeat. "You're not going to let this drop, are you?" he pinched his nose and closed his eyes in exasperation. "Oh heck, come in, I'll tell you. Better you get the facts than some fanatical, buffed-up, radical version. But behave, or I'll bite you."
Nyx flounced past him, mentally throwing a party.
"You wouldn't bite me, you don't wanna risk making me immortal and having to put up with me for the rest of eternity."

She sat on the bed, clicking her heels together expectantly. "So, tell me."
Nick sat down, muttering irritatedly to himself.
"Okay, once upon a time..."
Nyx smirked. "Don't make it ridiculous, just tell me the facts."

"Okay, well... uh... The Caves of reflections were an ancient centre of magical convergence..."
"Plain english, Nick. Not all of us were alive when Queen Victoria was born."
Nick glared at her. "Caves-important. Very strong magic. Lots of downworlder's visited."
"English, not caveman. I'm not stupid."
Nick glared harder at her. "Do you want to hear the story or not? Cause you are this close to head-in-the-trashcan."
Nyx pouted cheekily. "I'll be good. Pwomise."
Nick sighed and started again. "Anyways, the cave had strange powers, mostly used to amplify the power of any spells or rituals performed within it's chambers. But the real power could only be wielded by one woman, named the Guardian."

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