Run in in the hallway

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"Hey, Maddie."
"Hi, Jace."
"So is this the mysterious friend you disappeared off to visit the other day?"
Nyx glared at the blonde shadowhunter. For some reason, she didn't like him. He struck her as too perfect, too... pretty. Nyx didn't trust pretty people.

He gave her a friendly smile. "Jace Herondale. And you are...?"
"Yeah, none-a your business."
"Hey Nyx." Alec walked down the hall towards them. Nyx could of strangled him. Way to ruin a perfect joke, Alec.
"Wait, wait, wait. You're Nyx?" Laughter burned in Jace's eyes. "You're Nyx? The one Magnus has a thing against because you broke his plates?"
"Plate. One plate. Why does everyone remember that story? It isn't even that funny."

Alec turned to Maddie. "You might want to check on Cody. I think he's done some spontaneous redecoration of the training room using poster paint. Yes, we now have his self portrait, a rainbow sheep and a dinosaur on the walls."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Uhh, not again. I swear, that kid will be the death of me. Uhh, but I said I'd take Nyx home. I can't... "
"No, don't worry. I can get myself home."
"You sure?"
"Yes." Nyx didn't want to spend any more time here than she had to. "What are mothers for, if not to play chauffeur."
Maddie laughed. "Okay, okay. I'll give you a call tonight, okay? Oh, and one thing, do you have any idea how to get poster paint off a wall?"
Nyx smiled cheekily. "Don't you have some kind of rune for that?"
Jace raised an eyebrow. "You'd think we would. Ah, well, looks like we'll just have to resort to the old tradition of soap and water."

Maddie wrapped Nyx up in a hug. "Thanks for the other night, by the way. You really helped me." She whispered so only Nyx could hear. Speaking louder, she said "Okay, get home safe. Hope your head heals soon."

Sorry its not great. I'm always a little tentative when writing one of the original characters.
Anyway, feedback?

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