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Nyx raced down to the front door. "Who is it?"
"It's Magnus. Magnus Bane."
Nyx grinned evilly. She shouldn't. She really shouldn't.
"Go away! We're not home!"
"Very funny Nyx. I've got Maddie, Jace and Alec here too. Let us in, it's important."
Rachel came down the stairs. "You might as well let them in, Nyx. It has to be important, for Magnus to ask for my help."

A few minutes later, they were all crowded around the table as Rachel unrolled the parchment onto it. Her breath caught in her throat.
"Wow, this is... this is... old, really old."
"How old?" Asked Alec.
"Pre-shadowhunters old. Wow, this is incredible! Hardly anything from then still exists!"
She ran a finger over it, feeling the texture of the paper.
"Such good condition. Even as its only a torn part of it. It looks as though it has at least... two other pieces." She trailed off, thoughtfully.
"Rachel, that's a myth." Said Travis in a warning tone.

"What's a myth?" Asked Nyx and Maddie at the same time.
"Jinx." Nyx said.
Maddie smiled, silent laughter in her eyes. "Seriously though, what is this myth?"

"I'm sorry, but I may be in trouble with your parents, and the Clave, and most of the Downworld if I told you." Rachel said seriously.
Nyx piped up. "What about me? Can you tell me?"
Rachel sighed. "Can I palm you off with 'when you're older' now you're eighteen?"
"Rachel, you could never palm me off with 'when you're older.' That's adult speak for never in a million years."

Rachel turned back to the map. "Anyway... It's a map, it's old, it's probably got roughly two more pieces somewhere. That what you were looking for?"

"So this is... from a time before Shadowhunters?" Asked Jace.
"Then why would it be important to a demon?"

"Because back then, there were... other powers. We weren't entirely helpless without you lot. I can't tell you the story, but if this map is what I think it is... and yes, Travis, I do think it is, cause unlike you I have faith... if this is what I think it is, then you must guard it with your lives."

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