A few weeks later...

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Travis, Selene and Nick were waiting anxiously in the kitchen.
Selene was rocking the baby in her arms, feeding it from a bottle. The baby made small cooing noises every few minutes, looking out at the world with large, innocent eyes.
The Clave were giving them grief over custody of the child, but after a brief conversation with Rachel they had backed off a little. The rest of the family were still wondering about exactly what she'd said. Chances are it hadn't exactly been pretty please.
Still, the calm felt temporary, less like the Clave giving up and more like they were regrouping, trying to find some loophole to take the baby away.
But for now, everything was good.

"When will they be back?" Said Travis, almost bouncing on his chair with impatience.
Selene rolled her eyes at him. "Tattoos actually aren't that quick. They'll be back when they are back."
She looked back at the baby, smiling fondly. "You're daddy's not very patient, is he? Little bit like you, missy. But you can get away with it because you're little and cute. You'd like to see auntie Nyx's tattoo, wouldn't you?"
She turned to Travis. "On the other hand... You're daughter still needs a name."
Travis shrugged. "I don't know. I can't think of a good one."
Nick walked up behind Selene, putting his arms around her and the baby. "What about Sapphire, like her eyes? Or... I dunno, Bunny?"
"Yes, we are going to name her after a rodent." Selene rolled her eyes again. "I don't know guys, none of them sound right."

The sound of the door opening made everyone jump.
Nyx and Rachel walked through the door, Nyx grinning wildly and limping slightly.
She flopped down on a chair.
"So, who wants to see my fabulous tattoos?"

They all crowded around her, even the baby turning her attention to Nyx, though she had no idea what was going on.
Nyx kicked off her shoes, peeling off bandages from around her ankles. "Ta da!"

"Look, I have wings on my feet!"She wiggled her feet excitedly, grinning wildly

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"Look, I have wings on my feet!"
She wiggled her feet excitedly, grinning wildly.
Nick chuckled. "Did anyone else think that having a tattoo may make her more mature? Or was I deluding myself?"

Last update tomorrow. Oooh, anyone else excited? What's it gonna be?

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