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Nyx awoke in bed with Rachel sponging her forehead.
"Hey, little bird, welcome back to the world."
Nyx smiled weakly. "How's... uh..."
"Maryse is fine. A little weak, but fine. She and the rest of the Shadowhunters left this morning. Now, I wanted to ask you, was it you? Did you heal Maryse? Is that what made you collapse?"
Nyx nodded. "You're good. You ever considered becoming a detective?"
Rachel rolled her eyes. "Look, missy, it's a little hard to hide your powers when you use them on every person you come across."
"It wasn't every person, It was one Shadowhunter."
"One Shadowhunter, and one werewolf-creature, and one demon and God knows what else."
"Actually,God doesn't know, we've kept it that secret."
"Okay, smartass. Point is..."
"Point is, I should have let her die, is that it?" Nyx yelled.
"Look, you can't ask me to make the choice between someone's life and my secret. Cause you won't like what I choose."
Rachel sighed. "I know. And that's why I love you. Just... be careful, okay?"

Nyx's hands were itching to do something. So she decided to draw. Then she didn't know what to draw, and sat there staring at a blank piece of paper.
She kept thinking about the painting she'd seen at Lady Mater's house. It had been beautifully painted, with so much detail. And extremely accurate too, if the vision she'd seen when she'd touched it was anything to go by.
What would have been really good to draw would have been a close up version of the Guardian and the Demon woman's faces. The detail and the expression of pure malice and bloodlust would be great to capture on paper.
Shame she couldn't draw that well.
But that made it a lot less likely for it to be recognized and get her in trouble.
Ah well, practice makes perfect.

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