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"... it's just until the baby comes, really. I'll even pay rent."
Maddie was in the dinning room, talking to Rachel.
There was a sound up the path, and the front door opened. Nyx walked in, looking slightly shell-shocked.
"Hey, little bird." Rachel called out. "Maddie's just asking if she and Cody can move in until the baby comes."
Nyx blinked dazedly. "Uh... cool. Maddie, can I speak to you alone?"

A few minutes later, Nyx had regaled Maddie with the entire story, leaving Maddie reeling in shock.
Nyx nodded in agreement. "Do that for half an hour and you'll be just about where I am. What do I do?"
"Uh... contact the institute!"
"You'll have to. I only have one Shadowhunters number, and it's yours."

A minute later, Alec got a call.
It was from Maddie.
"Okay, Alec, listen..."
And she regaled him with the story of what had happened.
A moment later, he raced off to locate his the others. This was the biggest lead they'd had in months.

Back at Nyx's house, Nyx and Maddie were filling Rachel in on what had happened, which resulted in hugs, almost-tears and lots of stress baking. Nyx helped Maddie to move into the guest bedroom, Cody jumping around their feet like a hyper kangaroo.

Maryse Lightwood wasn't having a particularly easy day. It was just... busy. Extremely busy and stressful. Maddie had just up and left, apparently returning home to her parents, though that hadn't been entirely confirmed. More and more Downworlders were disappearing day by day, and the Clave were being very hush-hush about it.
The zombie-like creatures they were coming back as were causing havoc and panic everywhere.
And now there was this.
Now she was walking up the drive of some Lady's manor because apparently she was involved with the above.
Swiftly, she walked up to the door, checked the others were all in there positions and knocked sharply.
A woman came to the door, elegantly dressed and smiling kindly.
Maryse's face shifted as she recognized her.
Oh, this was just swell. The icing on the cake.
"Evelyn. Evelyn Darkwalker. But... your dead!"

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