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Life was literal hell. It was past midnight and they were no closer to curing Maryse. The pressure of the four teenage shadowhunters in the dinning room wasn't helping, but even without that the stress was mountainous.
"She's convulsing again! Nyx, hold her arms down!"
"She's stronger than me! A lot stronger!"
Nyx struggled to restrain the shadowhunter lady, putting all her effort into it. After this, she was definitely hitting the gym. Muscles would have been useful right now.
Maryse didn't look good. The black veins had advanced up her entire arm, disappearing under her clothes.
She kept having seizures and coughing fits, but the hallucinations had passed.
But that may not have been a good thing.
Nyx really didn't want this lady to die on her operating table, uh, couch, but that looked like the way it was going.

"If you don't want her to die, then don't let her!"
Sometimes, Nyx could have sworn she wasn't entirely in control of her thoughts. She had no idea what she'd meant by that thought, but it sounded good. Unfortunately, she had no idea how.
"Concentrate. Focus. Why do you want her alive? How must you achieve this?"
"Well, you obviously know the answer, why don't you do it?"

This was great. Maryse was dying and Nyx had just chosen this moment to get into an argument with herself.
How was that even possible?

"Oh, believe me, if I could do it, I would. But I can't, so I need you to be my hands and eyes. Quickly now, before the poison takes her over completely. Get to her head. You need to see her eyes."

Nyx placed a hand either side of Maryse's head, tilting it slightly to look in her eyes. The blue was beginning to cloud over, and her eyes were slightly bloodshot.

"Okay, now what?"
"Just... be strong, okay?"

She felt a forceful tug and then...

Colours. A blend of colours. Memories, thoughts, wishes all swirled around her in a kaleidoscope. But that wasn't what she was looking for.
No, that was the black cloud swallowing up the light into swirling darkness.

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