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"The Guardian? What's the Guardian?"
Nick shot her a look. Nyx held up her hands in surrender. "Okay, last interruption, promise."
Nick sighed and continued. "The Guardian was a being with untold powers. No one knows exactly what she was, some stories say a fallen angel, not wicked enough for hell, but not good enough for heaven. Others say a demon who developed a conscience. A downworlder hybrid, the last of an unrecorded race, a creature from another planet, nobody knows for sure.
But she protected the world from her cave, using the crystals to manipulate the outside world."
"Then... Then why did the Shadowhunters blank her from history?" Nyx was so enraptured by the story, she couldn't help but ask. This time, Nick didn't seem to mind, getting deep set into the role of storyteller.
"Have you ever heard the phrase 'fight fire with fire'? That's probably the best comparison for the Guardians protection. Sometimes, she was as bad as the demons, she was just on our side.
Her powers were of... that genre, and the looks didn't help. Sometimes a young woman of extreme beauty, other times an indescribable monster, and sometimes invisible and spirit-like as the breeze. That classifies as a monster in their books. That, and a few other things the Clave don't like."
"Oh, really, like what?"
Nick scratched his neck awkwardly. "I really shouldn't be telling you any of this. Okay, so you know the shadowhunters big founder, Jonathan Shadowhunter?"
"Er... kinda?"
"I bet what you didn't know is that technically, he died twice."
Nyx's jaw dropped. "Uh... That was unexpected. What's that got to do with the Guardian?"
"Because she's the one that brought him back. She built him a new body. At the cost of her own life."

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