Broken glass

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Nyx could feel the sharp pull in her gut that signalled the activation of her powers. Now all she had to do was stay in control. Cause if she lost it... The demon would be the least of her problems.
Wielding her weapon, she advanced on the creature, backing it up against the shop window. The demon snarled and lunged once again. Nyx swung her pole and beat it back, right up against the glass.


She released her magic, directing it towards her target. She felt it tug once again...

As the creature was pulled backwards by what appeared to be it's own reflection. It struggled and hissed, struggling against the pair of arms holding it back. Nyx grinned, proud of her control, and waved her hand lazily.
Slowly, the creature was dragged backwards, towards the glass. It fought and struggled, hissing, spitting and cursing Nyx to twelve forms of damnation.

The glass rippled slightly, becoming almost like liquid. The reflection gave a final heave and dragged the creature partway through the window, sucking it into the glass. The creature wasn't dead, but its head and shoulders were trapped in the reflection.
Nyx felt like dancing. She'd done it! She'd successfully manipulated the creatures reflection, and hadn't completely destroyed anything!
She felt a small trickle of something warm slide down her face. She wiped it off. Blood drops decorated her fingers. Oh great, a nosebleed. Still, could have gone a lot worse.

She looked at the twitching half of the demon fused to the window glass. Part of her wondered where it was on the other side. Was there an actual place on the inside of the mirror?
Another part of her wondered if anyone would notice if she just abandoned it there.

Something shifted in the wind. Something tingled in her head, like a sixth sense. Shadowhunters.
Glancing again at the creature in the window, she decided she didn't want to answer any awkward questions.
She glanced around and, noticing a nearby drainpipe she launched herself up it and onto the roof of a low building.
Just in time, too. A group of four dark figures rounded the corner, heading straight to the scene of the fight.

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