Eyes in the dark

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Nyx forced herself to remain quite. But it was just so funny! The looks on their faces as they saw the twitching form of the demon partially stuck in the reflection were priceless.
One of them, a tall, blonde boy, gestured at the creature, obviously saying something to the rest of the group. Nyx really wished she was within earshot. They had probably never seen anything quite like this. She had been so careful with her powers in the past that no one except Rachel really knew about them or had experienced them.
Now the blonde one was in an argument with a dark haired boy, whilst a red haired girl attempted to intervene. There was also a girl with long black hair, but she showed more interest in the mangled creature than the boys argument. Nyx could hear their raised tones but not the words. Still, it was likely that the basis of the disagreement was her "artwork". Nyx settled herself down more comfortably on the roof. It looked like she was in for a long night.
Little did she notice, another pair of eyes was watching. Watching her.

"It's her. The one they never found. The one they never knew about. The one who escaped. But where does she stand? With heaven or with hell? Only time shall tell."

Sorry it's a bit short. Seriously though, has anyone got an ideal song for any of the chapters?

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