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Nyx was confused. She'd definitely drawn that part of the picture. And that part. And she remembered that part.
But the lines in the background weren't hers.
Yes, the face of the Guardian, she'd drawn that. The demon ladies face, she'd eventually worked up enough courage to draw that.
But the lines? Nope, not part of the plan.
They weren't even in a pattern or anything. Just a curve here, and some random shape there.
It didn't look bad, just odd. And somewhat familiar.
Grabbing another piece of paper, she began to sketch, this time the focus was a full length portrait of the Guardian.
And it happened again.
The lines just happened on the paper, exactly the same.
That was really odd. And a bit spooky.
Checking the rest of the paper, she made sure it wasn't some kind of pre-drawn error.
Nope. Paper was fine.
Then something clicked in her brain. Swiftly, she whipped out her phone.
The photo of Lady Mater's painting was easy to find.
And there they were.
Cleverly incorporated into the background, the lines were now visible.
That explained it. It was just something she had seen in a similar image to her drawing and had subconsciously copied. That was all it was.
It wasn't like it was aliens or anything.

After a week, the lines got annoying. Every time she drew or redrew a piece of work depicting the Guardian, the lines appeared, yet anything else and she was fine.
Even a doodle of the caves from her dreams lead to lines, cleverly incorporated into the image as cracks in the wall, or shapes in the crystal.
But they definitely were there.
Nyx wondered if the universe was trying to say something.
Maybe it v was trying to scare her away from the myth of the Guardian through irritation.
She'd already begun getting too involved with it.

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