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Dark. Alone. Pain. Hate. Anger.

Nyx was drowning. She couldn't tell what or why or where, but she was drowning.
Being sucked down into a pool of something that was not water, not anything.
It crushed the air out of her throat, filling the void with sludge that gagged and burned.
Everything burned.

Dark. Alone. Pain. Hate. Anger.

She clawed at her face, trying to rid herself of whatever this was.
She couldn't see, couldn't feel. She was going under, the struggle to stay afloat wearing her down piece by piece.

Dark. Alone. Pain. Hate. Anger. Spark.


There, beneath the surface, just for a second, a spark, golden as sunlight had broken through the dark, glowing briefly before being swallowed again.

Nyx pushed her way towards where it had been, the shadows clinging to her and dragging her back.
She fought onwards, fought for the spark.

Dark. Alone. Pain. Hate. Anger. Spark.

The feelings confused her.
Why? Why were they there? They weren't from her, she could tell that, they just surrounded her, dragging at her, trying to pull her under...
And there it was again. The spark. Under the dark, glinting for a second before disappearing.

Not this time. Steeling herself, Nyx dived after it, clawing her way through the burning muck.
Like a small flame it glittered before her in the midst of a chocking black sea.

She reached out, the breath burning in her throat, snatching it up in her slimy hands.

A small spark of light, flickering weakly.
Nyx held it in her palms, admiring its beauty.
The spark danced, free of its drowning former home, growing with life in her palms. Nyx smiled, playing with it between her fingers.

She awoke with a gasp in the semi-twilight of the caves.

Okay, it may be more like five or six pages left, but hey, my pages are quite short.

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