The Guardian's last stand

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"Whoa, what do you mean, built him a new body?" Nyx's voice was a bare whisper, the story had enraptured her, mind and soul.
"I think, the best thing to do would be to tell you the whole story. Okay, so, the last days of the Guardian, started when the magic of the Caves was corrupted. Something poisoned it, so that anyone who used it's powers suffered some pretty serious effects. So the Guardian banned anyone from using the caves until she found a cure. Now, she was still powerful without the Caves, just not as much as she was. So, a demon named Lilith see's this as the perfect opportunity to attack the Guardian and cease control. So she raises an army, and I quote "unlike any seen before by mortal eyes." And with this army, she attacks the Guardian.
The Guardian, in a bid to defeat Lilith, joins forces with the recently angel-blooded Jonathan and his Nephilm.
Anyway, no one's clear about what happens, but the army's are fairly evenly matched. In fact, the Guardian takes on Lilith herself, both of them calling up the most unearthly powers in order to defeat each other.
The Guardian takes a wound to the chest, poisoned with dark magic designed to weaken her, but eventually she banishes Lilith   from the world, destroying her army in the process.
And then she see's it. Jonathan is dying. He's been run through by one of the swords wielded by Lilith's army, and he's dying in the arms of his parabatai, David.
In a moment, she makes her choice. Calling on the powers of the caves, just as the last light of life died in his eyes, she trapped his reflection in a crystal. And from this, she resurrects him using his reflection to create a new body, returning his soul to the mortal plane.
Except, not quite. He was never the same, never exactly the same as he had been. Yes, he had the looks, the memories and the abilities he'd had before, he wasn't the same person, not completely.
And that's why the shadowhunter's hate this story. Yes, she saved him, but she also ruined him."
Nyx's eyes were wide. "And... What happened to the Guardian?"
Nick looked down, almost sadly. "No one really knows. But obviously, the corrupted magic of the Caves did something to her. She was never seen or heard from again."

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