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A thousand reflections of a thousand warriors existed within the crystals. A thousand consciousness screamed out against the diseased canker that threatened the sacred caves.
Nyx could feel them all, the anger and the hate towards their enemy, the love and the hope towards their homes.
The Draugr, nested deep in the tunnels of the caves found themselves attacked from all sides by crystalline warriors, formed of the caves themselves.
Nyx could feel them, see them. She was them.

The power flowed through her as the earth shook around her. Power channeled through her, power stronger than any mortal had ever born before.
Power stronger than any mortal.

Nyx's life was burning out, and she didn't even realize.
She couldn't feel the blood pouring from her eyes, nose and mouth.
She couldn't feel her vision fading, or her knees buckling beneath her.
She couldn't remember herself.

And then everything went dark.

Rachel rushed over to Maddie, tears in her eyes.
"What's happened? Is she alright?"
Alec shook his head. "I don't know. She went unconscious and hasn't woken up."
Rachel turned to Lady Mater. She looked at the baby in her arms, a tearful smile sweeping her features. "Is this..."
Lady Mater handed Rachel the baby. "Your grandchild."
Rachel took the baby, rocking it gently.
Then she looked up. "But, Maddie... What happened?"
"I think it was the shock of everything. She just... shut down."
Rachel turned to Lady Mater, anger written over her face. "This is your fault, isn't it? You did this! And where is my daughter?"
Lady Mater raised her hands in surrender. "It wasn't me, I was possessed. Lilith... She took Nyx. I tried to stop her, to resist her, I really did. I would never harm Nyx, no more than you would."
"Oh, what do you know?" Rachel snapped. "You're not her mother!"
Lady Mater looked away, her face unreadable. "No, I suppose I'm not." She whispered, acidly. "But that's not my fault. I never got the chance to be."

Only four pages to go- promise!

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