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The institute was on fire. The creatures had hurled flaming torches, arrows, bundles of newspaper, petrol cans and God knows what else at it.
Some of the upper levels were on fire, but the ground levels surprisingly were fine.
"They're trying to smoke us out!" Yelled Alec, gesturing to the creatures and then the fire.
"They're trying to make us leave the institute so they can catch us!"
"What do they want?" Asked Clary, eyes wide and hair wild.
"My money's on the map." Replied Maddie.
"Anything other than that is probably just our demise."

"Well, we can't stay here. We have to go!" Said Jace, looking around at everyone. "Okay, so, how about if we hold them off around the front and Maddie and Clary go out the back with the map. Take it somewhere safe, and we call you when we can."

"No way!" Clary objected. "I'm not leaving you lot here to be killed by... whatever those things are."
"On the other hand, I'm perfectly fine with leaving you all whilst I  escape and save my own skin." Added Maddie.
"Will you two just go?"

They snuck out the back, creeping towards the road. The sounds of combat echoed through the air behind them, the creatures screaming horribly every time one of them went down.

"Where should we go?" Whispered Clary.
"Either to Magnus or to Rachel." Maddie whispered back.

Suddenly, a creature jumped out of nowhere, shrieking loudly as it hurled itself at the girls, a weapon made of twisted metal clutched in it's hands.
Maddie slashed at it with her seraph blade. "RUN!" She yelled.

They both ran.

Turning down road after road, they could hear the thing following behind them.
"God... damn... it." Panted Maddie, running faster.

Suddenly, a burst of light ricochet behind them. They heard the creature give a long, painful scream. Then silence.
The smell of burning wrent the air.
"Well, ladies, what are you doing here at... three in the morning?"

Rachel stood in her front garden, wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown.

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