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Rachel marched around the side of the lake, studying the map printout in her hands.
"Where is it? Where is it? It should be here!"
Jace ran up to her, touching her arm. "Maybe you can't find it because it doesn't exist!"
"What do you know? You Shadowhunters never want to believe there was anything before you. The world doesn't start and end with you!"
Rachel huffed, stalking off, muttering under her breath.

Jace looked at Isabelle and Clary. "Still no word from Alec?"
Isabelle shook her head. "He's not picking up his phone. Do you even know where he went?"
"Something about visiting a friend."
Rachel yelled at them from up ahead, her green coat blowing slightly in the breeze. "Are you helping or not? Look for a stream, it could be hidden in the underbrush!"
Jace blew a sigh. "Anyone else considering abandoning crazy-lady to her scavenger hunt?"
Clary slapped his arm playfully. "Don't be so close-minded. The map exists, doesn't it? And those... things definitely wanted it. It may actually be the real deal, you never know."

Rachel wanted to scream. She wanted to scream and to shout and to slap those Shadowhunters until they helped. She wasn't crazy, but she sure felt like it.
She just wanted her daughter back! Was that too much to ask? And Maddie, dear sweet Maddie, as much a part of her family as anyone. And the baby, Rachel's grandchild. They had to be safe. They had to be.

A shout went up from behind her. "Hey, I think I found something!"
Rachel raced back, to find Clary tearing at the underbrush.
"It's definitely something. It's not a stream, at least, not anymore. But a stream dries up over years, doesn't it? I think it's a dried up channel."
Finally, they pulled back enough brush to see. Yes, it was a dried up stream bed, trailing off into the distance like a road.

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