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Eyes. Nyx could feel eyes on her wherever she went for the next week. Whenever she went shopping, or to the park, or even in the garden she could swear she felt watched. It was unnerving, even more so when she couldn't see anyone.
Another thing that annoyed her was the Caves of reflections. She was unexplainably curious about them, even though all she had to go on was a dream and a name.
After scolding herself several times and telling herself to forget about it, she finally cracked and Googled it.
After scrolling through the results she began hitting her head on the desk. She highly doubted the lady had been wanting to know about a mirror shop or something in a pokemon game.
Frustrated, she walked over to her window and stared out of it, glaring. Downstairs the sound of rattling pots and pans echoed through the house. Rachel had obviously started dinner.
Nyx considered outright asking her. Yes she'd claimed it was a myth, but hey, most myths were interesting stories. If it wasn't real, how could knowing the story hurt?

Then she saw it. A rustle in the bushes. Swiftly, Nyx raced out of the room, down the stairs, past a shocked Travis coming up the stairs, and into the garden.
She charged over to the flower bed, wielding a shovel she'd picked up by the back door.
"Come out now or I'll smash your head in!"

A bunny hopped out of the bushes. Nyx sighed, lowering the shovel. "Great, now I'm imagining being stalked by rabbits." She eyed the fluffy terror disdainfully. "I'm still tempted to smash in your skull. Your lucky Rachel would ground me for life if I smeared bunny blood all over her lawn."

The rabbit hopped away, leaving Nyx to shrug and wander back into the house, swinging her shovel and whispering airily.

In the bushes, the goblin, eyes black and mouth frothing with black blood cackled softly and snuck away.

I'm visiting my grandparents for a couple of days, and whilst I will be able to type up new pages I won't be able to publish them, since my grandparents have WiFi issues. (Starting with: "We have a Wifi password? How am I supposed to know what it is?")
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'll try to have lots of chapters for Monday!

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