Birthday bash

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The day started off with the breakfast to beat all breakfasts, pancakes, bacon, toast, the full works.
Rachel persuaded Nyx to wear her nice party dress, but then rolled up laughing when she discovered that Nyx had tie-dyed it weeks before.

Rachel persuaded Nyx to wear her nice party dress, but then rolled up laughing when she discovered that Nyx had tie-dyed it weeks before

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Maddie had chosen this point to come round to drop off Nyx's present, resulting in even more laughter as she eyed Nyx's outfit. Nyx decided that this dress was her new favorite, and she was going to wear it all day.

They celebrated by doing just about anything and everything.
Swimming, cinema, laser rush, you name it, they did it.
To top it all off, they went to an ice cream parlor and had giant sundaes, with almost every topping you could imagine.

It was twilight, as they walked along the road in a close, family huddle. Everyone was smiling ear to ear and joking and laughing amongst themselves as they casually meandered along, window shopping in the last hours of the day.
Nyx was on a sugar high from the ice cream, and was also buzzing from having fun with her family. These were her favourite times, when they were all together, just enjoying themselves. No demons or disasters or unwanted interest of any sort. Just together as a family.
Though the presents helped a lot.

That's when she saw it in the window. The most beautiful bracelet she'd ever seen. It was silver in colour, shaped like two angel wings with a purple heart shaped stone in the center.

 It was silver in colour, shaped like two angel wings with a purple heart shaped stone in the center

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"Mum, look at that! Isn't it beautiful?"
Rachel looked at it. "Wow, that's lovely, Nyx. And not too badly priced, too!"
Nyx looked at Rachel curiously. "Are you saying I can have it?"
"If you like. I mean, you can still have your tattoo if you want it, but I feel bad about not having a proper present I can give you now. Do you want it?"
Nyx jumped up and down in excitement. "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, Mummy, thank you!"

Selene looked at Nick. "I know she's eighteen, but did anyone else find that absolutely adorable?"

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