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Now this was fun.
As soon as Nick had woken up, Selene had dragged him into the living room to confront him. Nyx once again was being shameless and crouching outside the door to listen.
Travis walked down the stairs. "Oh no Nyx, you're not listening at the door again. Leave them alone to sort it out themselves."
"But that's boring. And I won't know the outcome then!"
Travis walked up to his little sister and put his hands on her shoulders, pulling her up to stand. "You don't like having anything happen that you don't know about, do you?"
Nyx smiled slyly. "Well, no. Last time that happened, you got Maddie pregnant!"
"Funny. Real funny. Leave them alone."
"But they wouldn't even be having the conversation if it weren't for me!"
Travis looked at Nyx in surprise. "You set them up, didn't you?"

Nyx nibbled her lip and looked at the floor guiltily.
"Well... it is the truth. I didn't make any of it up. It's just letting it slip to Selene that Nick liked her might not have been as much of an accident as I'd have you believe."
"Nyx, you are diabolical. You're a stirrer, you know that? You just like to stir everything up."
"No, I just wanted to see Selene with a half decent guy. And I couldn't wait for her to finally open her eyes to what was in front of her. So I opened them for her!"

Later, over dinner, Nyx was regretting getting Selene and Nick together. They were so lovey-dovey, she wanted to hurl.
Travis was laughing at her nauseated expression over the table, whilst Rachel looked confused, trying to decipher what exactly was going on.
Nyx also wondered if Selene had actually broken up with Mike yet, but decided not to mention it.

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