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Maddie was in her room, reading  a book, music pounding low in the background.
The map was safe, for now, though she had no idea why it was so important.
Something outside the window moved, just off her peripheral vision.
She shrugged it off, telling herself it was nothing. Probably just a squirrel or a rabbit.
Or maybe not...
Damn, it was gnawing at her now. The feeling that it might actually have been something.
Sighing, she got up and marched herself to the window.
"See, there's nothing out the... what the heck is that?"

There, in the twilight, hidden in shadow, was a vampire. An infected vampire. Black eyes, bloody mouth and all. But that wasn't the worst. A few feet away, there stood a faery in the same condition. And a few feet from that, another humanoid shape.
It was like something from night of the living dead.

"I think they've surrounded the place!"
Maddie wasn't panicking, but was close enough.
She ran out of the room. "Jace! Alec! Izzy! Clary! Everyone! They've surrounded us!"

The sound of footsteps echoed through the building as everyone jumped out of bed and raced towards her on mass.

"What happened? Who surrounded us?" Asked Jace, face hard and determined.
"Those... Those things! The downworlders with the... And the... the blood and the eyes... they've surrounded the institute!" Stammered Maddie, cursing herself for failing to sound vaguely competent.

To be fair, she was pregnant. Not that the others knew about or had noticed that.
And they weren't gonna, if Maddie had anything to say about it.

They all raced to the nearest window and peered out. There they were, the creatures, like something out of a nightmare.
"What are they doing? Why are they doing this?" Asked Clary.
Maddie thought for a moment. "The map! It's got to be! They want that map!"
"Well, they can't do anything to us. They can't get in here to harm us."
Maddie swallowed nervously. "Um... by the looks of things, they won't have to."
Suddenly, many of the creatures had produced flaming torches.

Seriously, someone talk to me.

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