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"It looks like some kind of map, or at least part of one." Said Clary, gently uncurling the aged parchment.
They were all back at the institute, and the order of the day was to stand around the parchment, speculating about what it could be.
The parchment was painted in faded colours, patches of pastel green and swirls of grey-blue. The fact it was torn didn't help matters. Judging by the size of the drawing, they only had the tiniest part of a corner, meaning that the rest of it would be huge.
Jace blew out a sigh. "Could be. Let's just call Magnus, he knows stuff."

Magnus looked at the aged bit of parchment, curiosity and something almost like awe etched across his face. "You're right, it most definitely seems to be part of a map. But of what, I've no idea."
He lifted it up, gently, and held it up to the light. He muttered something under his breath, eyes going wide with surprise.
"Whoa, if this is as old as I think it is... This could be... I have a friend who specializes in items like this. Or used to specialize, anyway. Maybe she should take a look?"
Maddie looked at the others. No one seemed to mind. "Yeah, let's go. Where does this person live?"

"I'll show you. Just be wary though. My friends nice, but her youngest daughter is a menace. If she goes anywhere near the crockery, run."

Nyx crouched outside the door of  Rachel's room, trying to listen to their conversation. She seemed to be crouching by doors a lot lately. It seemed to be the only way to find out anything in this house.
"... I thought you said it was just a myth!"
"It is just a myth! A stupid, messed up myth!"
"Then why did I find a bunch of papers on the plausibility of said myth! Rachel... You know this stuff isn't socially accepted! It's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo!"
"I KNOW THAT! There was a reason it was in the attic!"


Nyx didn't know whether to thank the guest for breaking up the argument, or be annoyed about the interruption just as things were getting interesting.

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