Raonaild Allanach

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Sunlight trickled through a gap in the curtains, lighting up the dust motes floating through the air.
Nyx watched them sleepily, thinking about her dream. She hadn't screamed, it hadn't been like her nightmares. It was just... strange.
Nyx mentally shook herself. It was just a dream. A fantasy formed from a patchwork of her family, her mysterious past and this myth-thing. Taking it to seriously would be unwise.
But something didn't add up. Something she was sure she'd never heard of or even considered outside of the dream.

"Mum, who were your parents?"

Rachel flipped a pancake in the pan, turning her head to look at her daughter. "Why do you want to know?"
Nyx shrugged. "Just curious. Cause, you know, they're basically my grandparents."
Rachel smiled. "My mother would have loved you. She would have called you a 'fiadhaich leanabh." A wild child. She was a bit of a wild child too. The daughter of a Scottish mercenary, who fought in the last of the crusades."
Nyx was in disbelief. "Your Scottish?"
Rachel put on a thick Scottish accent. "I'll have you know, I was named Raonaild Allanach, good and strong Scottish name."
She slipped back into her normal accent. "It's just you get weird looks with a name like that as of recently. Anything else you wanted to know?"
"Who was your father?"
Rachel shrugged. "How should I know? Some demon who took advantage of my mother. It's a wonder she loved me like she did, it really was. Now then, change of subject, Lady Mater... were you considering taking up her job offer? Cause don't. I don't think she's a good influence."
Nyx grinned. "You must be the only mother not pushing their kid to find work."
"I don't mind you working." Rachel said, turning back to breakfast. "Just not with her."

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