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Nyx felt numb. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she couldn't feel. She was so far away into herself, she could barely register anything.
She was bleeding, she knew that. But she couldn't feel it.
The only thing she could feel was power.
Raw, untamed power, crackling at the edge of her mind and soul.
It wrestled against her, struggling to break free.
And her control was slipping.

She felt herself being moved, dragged up against a cool, solid surface. Someone was speaking, but she couldn't comprehend the words.
The magic went wild again, struggling against her. It wanted to be free.
Nyx wanted to be free.

That one small slip, that one admission, was enough.

The power flooded into her like lighting to a conductor, crackling around her and consuming her whole.
She was crystal, she was storm, she was sense, she was dream.
She was everything and nothing all at once.
And she was home.

Her eyes snapped open. No longer was the world cold and dark. Everything was colour, colour you could never dream.
But something was wrong, so wrong.
Her eyes fixed on Lilith.
How dare she desecrate this sacred place, attempt to twist it to her own design?
Nyx's eyes changed, shifting through tones grey to black.

She understood now. This was who she was.

Lilith wanted her to use her powers?
Fine. She could do that.

Nyx felt her magic reach through every crystal in every tunnel of the cave.
An army had fought above here. Fought alongside the guardian the first time. Sworn their lives to defeating Lilith's draugr army.

The war wasn't over yet.

Rachel raced through the caves, followed by the Shadowhunters. All around them that caves rumbled ominously, the crystals glowing brighter by each minute.
And then they saw them.
Alec supporting a partially unconscious Maddie, and Lady Mater carrying a squealing newborn child.

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