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She was burned all down her front torso and her shoulder. The blood had scorched her flesh, turning it red and raw. The fabric of her clothes had stuck to the burn wound, so that in taking the t-shirt off it had felt like peeling off her own skin.
Maddie and Selene charged into the room. "Oh my god!" Selene freaked out at the sight of Nyx.
Maddie took charge, ushering Selene out of the room. Then she took a wet towel and lightly placed it on the wound, cooling it.
Nyx could feel herself going into shock. She stung and burned all over, her skin red and irritated.
Maddie was muttering curse words under her breath. "Selene! Go find the others! Tell them what's happened!" She shouted.

"W-what ha-as happ-pened?" Asked Nyx, teeth chattering as she went into shock.
"I'm not really sure. But the last time I saw burns like this, it was caused by demon blood. You seem to have had a really adverse reaction, though." Said Maddie, sponging her shoulder with the cool water.
Nyx smiled weakling. "Oh, I wa-s aff-raid it would be som-mething serious."
Maddie chuckled half-heartedly. "Your still achieving bad humour, I'll take that as a good sign."
"My hu-umours brilliant. I'm a com-comic genius."

Another girl rushed into the bathroom. It was the red haired, short one. "Hey, what's happened?" She asked Maddie.
"The blood from the little girl burned her all over." Maddie replied.
"Th-that little girl ha-ad a name. Ab-bigail. She wa-was Abigail."

Maddie turned back to the red haired girl. "I don't know what to do. Any ideas?"
"We could call Magnus."

"Or w-we could not. Sud-denly, I feel a l-lot better."

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