Midnight snack

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Rachel was in the kitchen boiling a kettle whilst Maddie and Clary sat one side of the kitchen table feeling extremely awkward. This wasn't helped by the fact Selene and Nyx were sitting the other side, giving them sleepy death stares and wishing they'd never left bed to investigate the noise downstairs.
Nick was out somewhere, doing god knows what, and Travis, well, Travis could sleep through the apocalypse.

Rachel came over with hot chocolate. "Okay then, so do enlighten us, why are you two showing up on my front drive in the middle of the night?"

"The institute got attacked." Croaked Maddie, sipping her drink.
"Attacked by those... zombie-downworlder things." Clary shuddered. "Somethings really wrong. I don't care what the Clave says, it's not a one off that's going to die down soon. It's... It's like an invasion!"

"A zombie apocalypse." Murmured Nyx.
"Zombies don't exist Nyx. Neither do ghosts or Aliens." Said Selene.
"Prove it."
Selene blinked in surprise. "Prove that they don't exist? Surely it's obvious."
"Actually, I think there's enough proof that they do for me to believe, so if you want to change my mind, I need irrevocable evidence they don't." Nyx said, sleepily.
Rachel cut in. "Girls, neither the time nor the place. Now..." she turned back to the shadowhunters. "Did you manage to save the map? Or was it destroyed in some way? Cause any other answer is bad news."
"I've got it here." Maddie extracted the parchment from her bag.
Rachel took it gently, checking it over. "I'll tell you what, why don't I put this in my safe for now. And then I set up some camp beds for you two. I assume you're friends will call you when they're ready?"
"Uh, yeah, they will. Rachel, that sounds great, thank you!" Maddie replied.

The sound of footsteps came down the stairs. Travis walked into the kitchen. "Morning everyone." He clicked on the kettle, then spun around quickly, eyes wide with surprise.
"Rachel, there's shadowhunters in your kitchen!"
Rachel rolled her eyes. "You don't say."

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