Light in the dark

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It was dark. The light of the crystals had dimmed to a twilight glow.
She couldn't really see much, just shapes in the dark. Lilith was probably long gone, either torn apart by mirror-warriors or fled to some far distant hideout.

Nyx stumbled forwards in the semi-light, feeling blood trickling down her face and chest. She didn't care. The fact she could feel the sticky, congealed blood against her skin grounded her, reminding her she was alive.

In the far distance, a babies cry broke the silence. Nyx surged forwards on leaden legs, heart pounding. The child needed her. She needed to reach the child.

A hand grabbed her in the dark.

Nyx struggled against its strong grip, yanking and pulling away from its iron fingers.

A metallic ping echoed as she pulled out of its grasp, her bracelet snapping and flying away into the dark. Nyx was too adrenaline hyped to really care. Better it than her.

She charged down a tunnel, feet echoing eerily against the stone. She had no idea where she was going, but followed her instincts. After all, a part of her belonged to the caves, now and forever.

A light up ahead almost blinded her. Footsteps raced towards her and next minute she was in Rachel's arms, the warlock crying tears of joy into her hair. "My baby, oh my baby, I love you so much, I thought I'd lost you..."

Lady Mater stood off to the side, a wistful smile gracing her elegant features. She too was crying, slow, jewel-like tears trickling down her cheeks.
"Nyx... I'm sorry. I'm just... sorry. For everything."
Nyx pulled away from Rachel, dabbing at her own tears. "It's okay, I forgive you. It wasn't your fault."
Lady Mater smiled, a proper, happy smile. "That means more to me than you know."

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