Phone calls from hell

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Nyx crouched outside the door of Travis's room. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but she had to know he was making the call.
She was listening so intently, she missed Nick coming up the stairs behind her.
He grabbed her from behind. "You're still in trouble, missy. Wait till Rachel hears about this."
"Sssh! I'm listening." She said, putting her ear back to the door.
"He's calling Madeline."
Nick crouched next to her and shoving her slightly, put his ear to the door.
Inside they heard the critical conversation.
"...but Maddie, I don't know if I can! I mean, even if we did get back together, how's this going to work? Your parents don't like me! Besides, I... uh... I don't like you that way anymore. I'm sorry. I'll help you all I can, I just can't be with you like that."
There was a long, drawn out pause as he listened to whatever she was saying. Then, suddenly,
"Well fine then! Just don't come crying to me!"
Nyx heard his loud footsteps marching towards the door. Before they could move, it opened and an infuriated Travis glared down at them. "What the hell are you two doing?"
Nyx pretended to examine the doorframe. "Yes, you're right Nick. Definitely woodworm."


Nyx groaned. Who in their right mind calls at this time of night? Groggily, she rolled over and scrabbled on her nightstand for phone. "Yes... hello?"
"Oh, Nyx, I'm so glad I reached you! I didn't know who else to call, and you being practically my best friend, I figured you'd understand..."
"Wh... wait... Maddie? Why are you calling now?"

"I couldn't call earlier, I was so distraught, and then the others wouldn't leave me alone, and I swear Jace was just probing for something to use against me, and none of them would understand, and now, I just really need a friend to talk to."
Nyx rubbed her eyes. Well, this was an awkward situation. Apparently, Maddie hadn't realized they weren't friends, though Nyx could hardly inform her now, not when she sounded so vulnerable.
"Go ahead, Maddie, I'm listening."
"Well, as you may know, it looks like I'll be doing this on my own. Again. And... and... oh, Nyx, I can't do it! It was so hard the first time, everyone judging me and then all the probing about who the father was. And now I have to do it again, and I thought Travis would be there for me... and he's not gonna... not like I want... and I love him so much, and... It's just so hard!
And the Clave are already talking about taking Cody away from me... and when they hear about the baby... Nyx, my own parents don't think I'm fit to be a mother... and the thing is, I'm beginning to think they're right! Do... do you think... am I a fit mother?"
Nyx could hear the distress in her voice. This girl was on the edge of her sanity.
"Calm down." Soothed Nyx. "Your a wonderful mother. You look after Cody so well, the best mother he could possibly have."

Maddie sniffed at the other end of the line. " really think so?"
"Yeah, course I do. And besides, Travis still will help you. And not only him. You've got all of us. That's my little nephew or niece your carrying. No way will you have to cope alone!"
"You really mean that?" Maddie voice was suddenly alight with new hope. "You'll help me? Promise you will. I could do it if you help me!"
Nyx closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She knew that if she agreed, she'd never be rid of Maddie.
"I promise."

Hanging up the phone, Nyx rolled over in bed, closing her eyes again. Then she sat up suddenly, eyes flying open. She looked at her clock.
She'd made it through the night without a single nightmare.

Important Authors note, please read!
So, I've had to re-edit part of this page as originally the characters called Maddie Madison, whereas in later books I realised I'd changed it to Madeline. I've altered it here, so it stays consistent, and I'm checking through the book to see if I can find any more that need altering.
If you do see any I haven't found, please just drop me a comment and let me know.
Thanks :D

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