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Now Maddie was faced with a dilemma. Did she race in, kill the creature and save the demon? Let the creature kill the demon and then deal with it? Or attempt to take out both, which could end really badly?
None of the options seemed particularly great.

The creature hissed and gurgled again, speaking in slurred, distorted words. "Just tell usss what you know! Tell usss about  the manuscript!"
Maddie's brow furrowed. Manuscript? This was about some manuscript?
Up until now, the creatures had seemed to attack randomly, just existing for the sake of destruction.
But if they actually had a goal, in some ways, this was worse.
The demon, male and humanoid in shape, apart from ketchup red hair and a forked tail, cowered into the gutter, whimpering. Blood poured down its body from various wounds, obviously caused by the jagged weapon held by the faery.
"I...I don't... don't know. I only saw it once... The caves... The legend... I don't..."
The infected faery slashed the metal across his chest, causing another wound.
"Tell usss!" It hissed, black, bloody froth spewing onto the pavement from its maw. The stench rent the air, making Maddie gag.
"I c-can't! I d-don't know!" Sobbed the demon.

Wait. Sobbed? The demon was actually crying?

Maddie rubbed her eyes and blinked, looking again. Yes, it was actually crying. The creature had made the demon cry.
Well, Maddie was discovering all sorts of things today.

Maddie raced through her options in her mind. Probably the best one now would be to kill the faery, capture the demon somehow and question it about the aforementioned manuscript.
Maddie sighed, rolling her eyes and drawing her seraph blade.
The others were going to love this.

Okay, few questions.
Anyone got a name for the demon? Cause he's kinda gonna need one. I was thinking possibly Ezra or Aryk, but I just don't know.
Anyone got a better name for the infected downworlder's?
I probably can't just keep calling them creature's.
What are you guys thinking about the story so far?
Anyone want to ask me anything about it?

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