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Nyx ran to the kitchen window. "Fog? We don't usually get fog at all."
She peered out. The swirling, grey vapor clouded her vision, blinding them from the world outside.
"It's kinda spooky." Said Nyx, tilting her head. "Cool, but spooky."
Humanoid shapes moved in the fog.
"Okay, now that's really spooky." Nyx backed away, into the hallway. "Um... you don't think..."
Maddie looked at her. "I don't know. It's entirely possible. Get Alec."
Nyx nodded, running into the office.

She raced over to Alec. "Does the weather look suspicious to you?"
Alec looked up, glancing out of the window. "Uh... suppose so."
The sound of smashing glass came from the kitchen.
Nyx and Alec raced into the room, to find Maddie, fending off three creatures. More were clustered around the window, trying to get in.
It was like something from a zombie movie, with their decaying flesh and black, weeping blood.
Alec drew a seraph blade, cutting through one of the creatures before beheading another.
Nyx grabbing a chair, beating one over the head, away from Maddie.
She pulled Maddie up, grabbing her wrist.
"Three of us against a jillion of them. This is going to end so well."

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