Not sexy, definitely adorable

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"How about this one?"
"No, doves aren't my thing."
"This one?"
"Yeah, cause I'm gonna want to go round with a musical instrument drawn on me."
"This one?"
"Don't like daffodils."

Selene felt like bashing her head on the table. She and Nyx were online, scrolling through possible tattoo designs. And so far, Nyx had hated every single one.
Selene scrolled down a bunch, stopping at a fairly nice design.
"How about this one?"
Nyx tilted her head to the side, squinting. "Nice, but pink hearts aren't my thing."
"Well, I like it." Countered Selene. "I think it's sexy."
"Yeah, but I'm not sexy." Nyx rolled her eyes, like duh.

"Who's not sexy?"
Maddie walked into the room, dumping a six pack of soda onto the table. "It better not be me your talking about."
"No, it's me. Selene's trying to persuade me to pick a tattoo that will turn me into a mini version of her. Except with a tattoo."
Nyx said, giggling.
Maddie looked a Selene. "And... you said she wasn't sexy?"
Nyx giggled louder. "No, that was me again."
Maddie looked confused. Nyx raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on. Sexy is hardly the first word people think of when they see me."
Maddie turned to Selene again. "Try adorable tattoos rather than sexy."

"Okay... Adorable... oh, yes! Found the perfect design, Nyx!"

Nyx looked at the computer. "Definitely no! No bunnies!"
Maddie laughed. "Why not, it's cute!"
"Cause bunnies are sadistic killers, that's why." Snarled Nyx.

Maddie turned once again to Selene, confused. Selene laughed.
"It's a long story, involving the tragic death of her best friend, Benny the baby raspberry bush."

Bit of a filler chapter, sorry.
Out of interest, do you guys mind the bits with little action and lots of family and friends time?
Cause I'm trying not to make it repetitive by breaking stuff up between action and family, but if it starts to get boring, do let me know.
It's just I don't have anything like a driving romance to break up the action with, but I'm doing my best.

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