Damn the weather, damn it to hell.

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Damn the rain. Damn it to hell. All Nyx had wanted was some ice cream. And Haribos. And maybe some chocolate.
The rain had only been drizzling when she'd left home. Now it was bucketing down, big fat drops which were drowning out the landscape, not to mention Nyx. Thunder boomed overhead. Nyx pulled her coat tighter across herself. Currently, she was two minutes away from becoming the new representation of the phrase 'Drowned rat."
Damn the weather. Damn it to hell.
Rounding a corner, she saw it. The road was flooded. A literal lake had appeared across the road, blocking her path. She would have tried to cross it, but the half drowned cars floating in the water deterred her. Short of playing stepping stones with the cars, there was no way across.
Damn the weather. Damn it to hell.

Suddenly, a posh black car rounded a corner, driving past her. Then it reversed and stopped in front of her.
Lady Mater rolled down the window. "Hey, Nyx, you alright?"
Nyx shook her head. "No, no I'm not. I'm wet, it's cold and my way home is blocked.
Lady Mater nibbled her lip in thought. "Yeah, your pretty much sunk. Tell you what, if you called your... mother... first, do you think she'd let you come back to my house? It's only up the hill and it's out of the rain."
The way she said mother was strange, pausing on it as if she was trying to find a different word, like she was reluctant to use the word to refer to Rachel. It was weird
Nyx shrugged it off. Lady Mater was weird, full stop.
It probably wasn't a good idea to go to her house, who knew what crazy things she would have there.
On the other hand, it was out of the rain.
Ah, well, Rachel could decide, she thought, dialling her number.
Damn the weather, damn it to hell.

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