Forever Rilaya

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Maya's POV

I don't know when exactly I realized that my feelings for Riley were way past friendly but lately it was all I could think about, she never left my head. Needless to say spending an entire day roaming the mall with her wasn't helping especially since we were looking for a dress to wear for Auggie's middle school graduation.

We were currently in Forever 21 and Riley was scouring the racks for the perfect dress for the occasion. I try to distract myself from my racing thoughts as I look around the store until I feel a familiar tap on my shoulder sending shockwaves through my body. I turn to find a smiling Riley holding a bunch of dresses over her arm.

"You gotta come help me decide which one to buy" she smiles as she grabs my arm and pulls me towards the dressing rooms. She shoves me into one on the end before she follows me inside, locking the door behind her.

This was something Riles and I had been doing for years except now I was thinking of nothing but kissing her as she pulled off her t-shirt. I sit on the small chair in the corner of the room waiting for her to finish getting dressed.

"What do you think?" Riley asks as she models a short blue dress that shimmered in the light. Her brown hair looked even more beautiful than usual as it hung in straight strands over her shoulders and down her back while her brown eyes seemed to pop against the light blue color. I chew my bottom lip as my eyes run over her body before finally replying.

"It's nice" I reply nonchalantly as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Nice?" she asks laughing as she looks down at the dress. "That's a great review Peaches" she adds making me sigh as I throw my hands up in annoyance.

"You look gorgeous. Can we go now?" I exclaim as I jump out of my chair wanting to put as much space between us as possible.

"Yea" she replies, looking at me concerned as she turns around. "But first can you help me take this off?"

I look at her intently, nervous to take one step towards her because I didn't know what would happen if I touched her. I take a deep breath and grab the zipper of her dress, pulling it down quickly. She lets the dress fall to the ground and I take a deep breath as my heart flutters in my chest.

She turns around slowly, facing me before taking a step forward and pressing her lips to mine gently. I'm more surprised than anything that she initiated the kiss and I'm even more shocked when she deepens it, sending us flying into the wall behind us. Her fingers knot in my hair while my hands grip her waist, pulling her closer. When we finally feel the need to breathe we pull apart and stare at one another in shock.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask confused as my lips tingle from the touch of her lips against mine.

"I wanted to" she blushes. "I thought maybe you did too" she adds making me laugh as I take her hand in mine.

"I like you Riles" I admit making her smile.

"I like you too Peaches. Maybe you could come to Auggie's graduation as my date, not just my best friend."

"I'd like that" I reply as I lean back in for another sweet kiss. "Now get dressed because now I need to find something to wear too" I add making her giggle as she puts her clothes back on. We walk out of the dressing room hand in hand and I can't stop smiling.

I couldn't wait for Auggie's graduation.

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