Saying Yes

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Maya's POV

"You really don't have to go if you don't want to" Riley murmurs with her head resting on my chest while I run my fingers through her brunette locks. I sigh, thinking further into the idea that Riley had presented to me last night before we had gone to bed. 

Today was Easter Sunday and in a couple short hours Riley's congregation would gather to celebrate at our local church. Since coming out she had told me all about how the congregation welcomed her with open arms and how accepting they had been but I found it hard to believe that they'd still feel the same way if she walked in with her girlfriend. 

"It's not that I don't want to go" I reply honestly, kissing the top of my taller girlfriend's head. I loved when she let me cuddle her because it was the only time that I felt anywhere near the same level as the younger woman. "I'm just worried that  they'll be uncomfortable."

"Really?" she scoffs, sitting up without bothering to grab blankets to cover her bare chest. "You're worried about how they'll feel? When have you ever given a shit about our public displays of affection making people uncomfortable?"

"Since the people in question became an entire congregation of people" I retort, sitting up to reach her eye level. "Riles, I wasn't religious before I came out and I can't say that it appeals to me anymore now that I'm comfortable with my sexuality."

"Then stay home" she says decisively, climbing out of our bed but I know that staying home isn't really an option. I needed to face this fear for her because at the end of the day it was important to her which made it important to me and honestly, I just couldn't let her down. 


We walk into the church and I'm in awe of how beautiful the building is. It isn't a large church, maybe only about thirty pews in total but the stunning detail in every aspect took my breath away, especially the stained glass windows at the front that the sun shone down through casting a stunning rainbow of colors across the room. "Beautiful isn't it?" Riley asks as her lips break out into a grin and I nod. 

"Not as beautiful as you though" I add causing a blush to rise on her cheeks as she takes my hand in hers and leads me further into the building towards a group of chattering women. "Mrs. Bell" Riley interrupts and a fair skinned woman with freckles dotted across the bridge of her nose turns to look at us, a smile spreading across her lips. 

"Riley" she exclaims, throwing her arms around her in a warm embrace. "Happy Easter darling."

"Thank you" she replies, wishing the same to her before pulling away and turning to look at me. "You remember me mentioning my girlfriend don't you?" The woman's eyes widen and I'm sure this is the moment; this is when everything falls apart but instead the woman's eyes light up in excitement. 

"This is Maya?" she gasps. "Oh my goodness it's so nice to finally meet the woman who has our Riley so smitten" she exclaims and I'm literally speechless as I stare at the woman. I had expected a totally different response despite Riley's assurance that everything would be fine and now I felt horrible for putting this off for so long and for ever doubting Riley. 

"It's nice to meet you too" I finally croak out. I clear my throat and turn back to face my girlfriend. "Can we have a second?"

"Of course" she smiles, excusing us from the group and following me out a side door that seemingly leads to the child's playroom. I close the door behind us and before Riley can question me I take her face between my hands and crash my lips to hers. 

If she's taken aback she doesn't show it as she immediately kisses me back, lifting her hand to rest on the back of my neck as I guide the kiss but after a few minutes I decide it's probably best to come up for air so I pull away and smile widely at the woman standing across from me. "I'm sorry I doubted you."

"That's what that was for?" she pants, trying to catch her breath. "Damn, I should be right more often." I laugh, pulling her in for another kiss. She smiles against my lips but pulls away far too quickly, giggling. "Baby, I'd love to kiss you all day but we do have a service to attend."

"But after?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at her and she laughs, kissing me quickly. 

"I'm all yours."


"Would your priest marry us?" I ask over lunch after the service ends. We had gone home for egg salad sandwiches to satisfy us until dinner at my parent's place tonight. 

"Why do you ask?" she questions, taking a sip of her cream soda. "Are you planning on proposing or something?" she continues, chucking before taking another bite of her sandwich. I bite into my bottom lip, thinking about the golden egg I had hidden in the bottom of my dresser that I had planned to have her find this morning before I chickened out and decided against it. 

"Maya" she presses when I don't respond and I look up at her through my eyelashes, shrugging my shoulders. Her eyes widen and she jumps out of her seat, abandoning her food. "Hold on" she says, holding her hand out to me. "Y-you aren't proposing are you?"

"If I did what would you say?" I ask, nervous after her outburst. Her lips part, opening and closing while she tries to come up with a comprehensive thought until finally she speaks. 

"Where is it?" she asks as a smile breaks across her lips. 

"Where is what?" I ask confusedly. I hadn't asked a question that prompted her sudden curiosity in the location of some random object...did I?

"The ring" she replies, looking around the room. I furrow my eyebrows. 

"I never said I was proposing" I insist, standing up but she laughs as her smile widens even further. 

"Baby you didn't have to" she replies before taking off down the hallway and my heart beats out of my chest as I rush off after her. She had picked the right room, tearing our bedroom apart when I walk in and my heart speeds up even faster as she approaches my dresser. 

She goes through drawer after drawer until finally she reaches the last one and throws all my pants out onto the floor until I know she's found it. She reaches inside and pulls out the egg and my heart stops. 


She walks towards me and puts the egg in my hand. "Ask me."


"Maya Penelope Hunter I swear you better ask me right now before I rip the damn egg open myself."

I chuckle at her dramatics and take her left hand in mine. "Riley Matthews, I know that you know how much I love you and I could go on for days telling you all the reasons why but that would be a waste of time when I can spend the rest of our lives showing you. You're the love of my life and I couldn't imagine living without you so, will you marry me?" I ask, getting down on one knee as I open the golden egg to reveal a stunning engagement ring and she starts to cry, nodding her head. 

"Yes" she exclaims. "Yes, absolutely yes" she repeats and I smile, sliding the ring onto her finger as I stand back up. She gazes at it in awe before looking back at me and leaning in for a kiss. "Now, you realize you're gonna have to come to church with me next week, right?" she asks when we pull apart.

I furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion. "Why?"

"Because I need to show off my fiancee of course and besides, weren't you curious if my priest would marry us?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me as she recalls the question that I had originally presented. 

"Maybe a little" I admit and she smiles, looping her arms around my neck. 

"Even if he won't, I still can't wait to marry you. I love you so much Peaches."

"I love you too honey" I reply, leaning in to kiss her. 

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