Someday Finds Out

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A/N: Sorry there was no update on Tuesday. I was exhausted and uninspired on Monday night so I decided not to publish. But I hope this makes up for it! Love you all and happy reading!

Maya's POV

"I promise Josh won't be home for like another hour" Riley insists as she pulls me into her bedroom after school on Friday night. "He has football practice and then he'll come home for a quick dinner and he'll be gone again" she smiles as she grabs my hands, leading me over to the bed.

Josh had started staying with the Matthews after his first semester since he was struggling with dorm life and it seemed to be working. His grades were up and he was much happier.

"You are nothing but trouble" I smirk as I land back on the bed, my girlfriend climbing on top of me.

"I'll take that as a compliment" she replies as she leans down to press her lips to mine in a long, deep kiss that sets off fireworks in my head. Riley and I had started dating over the summer but we were keeping our relationship a secret since she had just broken off things with Lucas. Keeping the secret was hard but she was well worth it.

"I love you" I smile as we pull apart breathlessly after a minute or two.

"I love you too" she replies happily as she plays with the hem of my shirt. She does this a lot but she never gives into temptation.

"If Josh isn't gonna be home, we could" I trail off as I wrap my arms around my girlfriend.

"What? Cause I don't think I want to do like everything" she admits as her face turns red causing me to smile as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"We'll do whatever you want" I reply sweetly as I lean back up to kiss her and after a few minutes she tugs at my shirt again but this time she pulls it up and over my head, crashing her lips back onto mine in a passionate kiss that apparently causes me to lose my hearing.

"Holy shit" Josh exclaims making my eyes pop open, staring into my girlfriend's. My girlfriend who also happened to be his niece. My girlfriend on top of me.

"Oh my gosh" Riley exclaims as she climbs off me quickly, turning redder than I thought possible. I laugh lightly as I stand up, collecting my shirt and pulling it over my head.

"Hey" I smile as I look up at the boy I had my first crush on.

"What's up gorgeous?" he asks confused making me chuckle.

"Riles why don't you go make us a snack" I suggest, giving my girlfriend the space I knew she needed.

"Okay" she says quickly as she sprints out of the room.

"I thought maybe I'd see you in a bra one day but I never thought it would be in bed with my niece" he teases making me roll my eyes playfully as I run my fingers through my hair.

"You are hilarious" I reply sarcastically.

"I try. But honestly gorgeous when did you start dating Riles?"

"Over the summer. We're keeping it secret while stuff with Lucas cools off."

"Got it" he replies as he nods his head in understanding. "Are you happy?" he asks making a smile pull ay my lips as I nod.

"Extremely" I admit happily. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I shouldn't have disregarded someday without telling you."

"It's okay. As long as you're happy and you treat my niece right, we're good" he replies with a smile.

"Popcorn" Riley exclaims as she makes her way back into the bedroom. "Uncle Josh wanna join us for a movie night?"

"Nope. Enjoy your date. I promise I won't interrupt again" he smirks as he shuts the door behind him. I climb onto the bed beside Riley while she searches Netflix.

"Everything okay with you and Josh?" she asks worriedly as I pop a handful of popcorn in my mouth.

"Perfect" I reply honestly. "Ready for our movie night?"

"With you? Of course" she smiles as we both settle onto the bed, eating popcorn and cuddling with one another for the rest of the night.

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