An Unexpected Question

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Maya's POV

I stare down at Auggie in shock. "Where did you find that?" I ask him, pushing the ring out of my girlfriend's line of vision. If she was planning to propose to me I wasn't about to ruin it.

"It was in the foyer. I figured it must've fallen out of your suitcase. I'm sorry. I guess holding it out in the open for her to spot would kind of ruin the surprise" he chuckles, folding my hand over the box as he holds it back out to me. "Just take care of her, okay? She's the best." No arguing there. Too bad I didn't pick this damn ring out. My girlfriend did.

Shit. How the hell was I going to slip this back into her suitcase without her noticing? I was not going to ruin whatever plans she had nor was I going to force her hand in this situation. Maybe the ring wasn't even meant for an engagement. Maybe it was a promise ring. Yea. That had to be it because there was no way I just accidently ruined the surprise of a lifetime for myself.

I slip the ring into my back pocket and clear my throat. "I uh. I need the bathroom" I announce awkwardly. Smooth Maya. Make it more obvious that there's something going on that you don't want them to know about.

Riley eyes me suspiciously but I ignore her gaze and instead rush up the steps to try and right this horrible accident as soon as I possibly can. I get all the way into her bedroom and immediately rush over to her suitcase and sure enough, there's a small hole in one of the compartments on the front of the luggage. I pull the box out of my pocket and try to shove it back inside the compartment without tampering with the zipper but my attempt comes to a halt when I sense her behind me. "What are you doing?" I close my eyes and sigh. This was it. I had officially ruined everything.

I turn my head to look up at my girlfriend, still trying to hide the ring box. "Nothing. I uh...I needed a tampon" I reply lamely. She quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Your period ended three days ago. I know because we couldn't have sex for a week so please try again." Dammit. It was unfair that she knew me so damn well. I needed an out but I couldn't seem to find one. "Maya-."

"I was trying to put something back" I admit finally, opting to leave out the very large detail of what I was trying to return.

"What could be so urgent that you had to return it right this moment?" she asks confusedly and I sigh in defeat. There was no lying to Riley. I hold the box out to her and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Auggie found it. It apparently fell out of your bag but he uh he thought it was mine. I mean-I'm guessing it sorta is mine in a roundabout way but he thought that I had like actually bought know to put on your finger. Like in a sort of proposal" I ramble. I wasn't one to stumble over my words but this was a very unique circumstance.

She stares down at the ring. "It freaks you out doesn't it? I mean, we've been together for what? Six months" she ballparks. "You know what, just forget you found it" she says decisively, sniffling and I realize that she's tearing up. Did she think that I was upset? That I didn't want to marry her? She had to be blind and completely insane if that were the case.

She turns to go and hide it somewhere else but I quickly stand and grab her arm. "Riley. Baby stop" I beg, making her turn around to look at me. "I'm not freaked out...I mean I was freaked out over the thought of ruining whatever you had planned but I'm not freaked out at the idea of marrying you. I love you and as crazy as it may be...I want to be with you forever so, if you're ready. Ask me."

Her eyes widen again and I smile, stepping towards her. "Or I'll do it" I threaten. She chuckles, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I have nothing prepared Maya. I-I didn't know when I was going to ask you-."

"Honey I don't need a speech or a grandiose gesture. I know what we mean to each other and nothing can or will ever change that. Just ask."

She slowly drops down onto one knee in front of me and pushes the box open, staring up at me with teary eyes. "Will you marry me?" she asks simply and now I start crying as I nod my head.

"Of course I will." She chuckles in disbelief, standing up and sliding the ring over my finger and immediately I crash my lips onto hers. She's taken aback at first but quickly catches up, kissing me back and deepening the kiss as I lead us over to her bed. We pull apart breathlessly and stare at one another for a prolonged moment, silently deciding if we were really about to do this with her entire family downstairs but one look into her chocolate eyes and I know there's nothing that could make me want this any less.

So, we crash back together and fall back onto her bed. 

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