Love at First Sight

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*Inspired By: Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson*


Maya's POV

"Came from the city so she loves to party"

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Josh asks me excitedly as he runs up next to me while I'm walking across campus.

"Joshua Matthews what are you talking about?" I ask laughing as I look up at him. Josh was the first friend I made at NYU, we became close almost immediately. He was the first person I came out to and he instantly became my wingman whenever we went out.

"I'm talking about the sorority party tonight. Come on Hart, tons of pretty girls" he smirks making me laugh as I shake my head at him in amusement.

"Josh I'm not the party type" I lie making him look at me expectantly.

"Maya you are from New York, the city that never sleeps, do not tell me you do not know how to party" he smirks making me smile as I look up at him.

"Fine" I give as I look up at him, running my fingers through my hair. "I'll go but you have to be my date."

"Um I'm not your type babe" he teases making me hit him.

"I hate you" I smirk as I brush past him.

"Lies. You love me" he smiles as he catches up with me, linking his arm in mine, walking me across campus.

"Love at first sight if that exists at all"

The party is crazy, there are people everywhere and Josh was right, there were plenty of girls.

"Josh there are way too many people here" I sigh as I look around nervously, biting my lip.

"Maya you are a gorgeous girl who likes girls. There has to be someone here that also thinks you're gorgeous and likes girls" he says seriously as I smirk looking up at him.

"There is. You" I tease making him roll his eyes playfully.

"Get your cute ass moving" he smirks as he pushes me into the crowd of people making me bump right into someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry. My friend is such an idiot" I say quickly but all the air leaves my lungs as I lock eyes with the beautiful brunette.

"It's okay" she says sweetly. I'm glad she can talk because I'm at a loss. I never believed in the whole love at first sight thing, along with hope it seemed silly and meant for fairy tales but I couldn't explain the feeling that was rising inside me as I looked at her. "I'm Riley" she says smiling as she holds out her hand for me to take.

"Maya" I say, suddenly finding my voice as I take her hand in mine, shocks running up my arm and radiating throughout my body from her touch. What was happening?

"Hey there pretty brown eyes whatcha doing later tonight, would you mind if I spend time with you?"

"Are you a pledge?" she asks curiously as she sips the beer in her hand, a strand of her brunette hair falling into her face as she does. I resist the urge to move it myself.

"Um no. My friend Josh dragged me here" I reply honestly as I motion over to the idiot I called my best friend who was busy hitting on a random blonde.

"Friend?" she asks expectantly as I nod.

"Yep. He's not really my type" I say honestly.

"Not into brunettes?" she asks as I laugh, shaking my head.

"Not into boys" I admit as her eyes widen.

"Oh" she smiles as she sips her drink.

"What about you? Is Josh your type?" I ask as she shakes her head.

"No, I'm actually into blondes" she says as my heart sinks, "any blonde though. No preference" she adds as a smile pulls at my lips.

"Well then pretty brown eyes would you maybe wanna get out of here? Parties aren't really my thing" I admit as Riley laughs, nodding her head.

"I'd love that. I know the perfect bakery right off campus" she smiles as she puts down her drink, taking my hand in hers. "Let's go" she says as my skin tingles where hers presses against mine.

"After you" I smile as I follow after her.

"By the way thanks for the compliment" she whispers in my ear as we walk, "but for the record my pretty brown eyes are no competition for your gorgeous blue ones." 

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