The Two Queen Conundrum

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Maya's POV

"But why?" I demand, standing in front of Turner's desk with my arms crossed over my chest. "Give me one good reason and I'll relent." The man who's become a sort of grandfatherly figure in my life since my adoption sighs as he tents his hands over the top of his desk.

"Sweetheart, you know that I fully support your relationship-."

"Then take a stand with the schoolboard and demand that our names be put on the ballot."

I've been having this fight with the innerworkings of Abigail Adams administration for weeks, since me and my girlfriend were nominated for prom court before being told that we were actually ineligible because we wouldn't be crowned king and queen but queen and queen.

I've never seen Matthews or my dad so angry as when they rushed into the office with me and Riley, demanding that something be done to rectify the issue. Turner had assured them that he personally, would be looking into it.

And a lot of good that looking did us considering he's found no viable solution. "I'm sorry Maya, but there's nothing I can do. I have a boss too that I have to rule under." Collapsing into the seat in front of his desk, I sigh in defeat.

"It's just not fair. We were nominated. People want us on the court."

Nodding knowingly, Turner continues. "It's too bad you know that people aren't allowed to just write in who they'd like to win court. That they have to choose between the choices provided for them." Suddenly, my spirit lifts along with the edge of Turner's lips as he fights to suppress a conspiratorial grin.

"It is too bad." I agree, "and it would really be horrible if the entire student body found out."

"Truly" he retorts, leaning back in his seat with a wink. "Good luck sweetheart."

"Oh, I don't need luck." I insist, raising from my seat and heading for the door. "See you later Turner. And thanks!" I shout as an afterthought as I rush from the office to my locker where Riley is waiting for me, staring at her watch. "Riles!" I sprint towards her, grabbing her arms as I come to a halt in front of her.

"Woah babe, careful before you break an ankle." She chuckles, catching me with a lopsided smile. "How was your meeting with Turner? Good, I presume considering your excitement."

"Terrible actually" I argue, "but it's no matter. How many people do we need to write in our names to win court?"

Riley lifts an eyebrow in intrigue. "Peaches, there has never been a court decided by write-in. Ever in the history of this school." Laughing quietly to herself she continues, "what makes you think we'll be the first?"

"Because honey, you and me are making history. Just you wait and see" I smirk, capturing her lips in a kiss before linking my arm in hers and beginning talks of our strategy.


It's the night of prom and every ounce of my body is alight with nervous energy.

In the past week we've tried every way possible to campaign; buying advertising space in the school newspaper, placing covert posters in places teachers wouldn't immediately tear them down and posting about the write-in option on our Instagram stories every night. If we lost now, we at least put up a good fight.

"Are you really not going to dance with me?" Riley pouts, her poufy pink dress short enough to show off her long legs that are further accentuated by the silver peep-toe heels on her feet. "Win or lose, this is our only prom and I'd like to spend it dancing...or making out, at least."

I chuckle, allowing myself to be pulled onto the dance floor as a slow song starts and immediately I grab my girlfriend's waist and pull her close, breathing in her floral perfume and admiring the dusting of make-up on her face; rose gold eye shadow and the slightest bit of blush on her pale cheeks. "You look beautiful tonight honey" I murmur, resting my forehead against hers.

"Yea okay, like anyone would notice me next to you." She scoffs, her eyes raking down my figure; I'd chosen a navy blue, floor-length dress and a pair of simple black heels, opting for a natural make-up look and a simple updo that even my three year old brother could probably manage.

"Riles, when will you realize that you're the most stunning, breathtaking girl in any room?" I ask, leaning in to press a tentative kiss against my girlfriend's lips. She exhales softly, parting my lips as the principal comes up to the microphone.

"Hello seniors!" She exclaims, too excited. "I hope you're all enjoying your night under the stars." I roll my eyes, casting my eyes upwards to the cliché décor. Riley nudges me, "be nice." She mouths. I roll my eyes and pull her closer. "I have here in my hand, the results of your prom court" she continues causing a sudden silence to settle among the usually restless crowd. "Without further ado, your duke and duchess-."

I rock impatiently on my heels as she cycles through the pointless titles, crowing each member of court until all that's left are-. "And finally, your king and queen." Smiling broadly, the principal pries open the envelope as Riley reaches for my hand and gives it a tight squeeze. "O-oh." The chipper woman stumbles on her words. "I-I'm sorry. I think there's some sort of mix-up-." Signaling for someone to join her on stage, my heartbeat trips over itself in my chest.

"No way" Riley murmurs, her eyes finding mine. "W-we didn't."

"Shhh." I quiet her as we all watch Turner ascend the steps to the stage. He grabs the envelope from the principal's proffered hand and a telling smile tugs at his lips. "Oh my god" I murmur seconds before Turner takes the microphone in his hand.

"No mix-up at all. Your prom court for Abigail Adams graduating class of 2021 are Riley Matthews and Maya Hunter."

"We won" Riley states numbly. "W-we actually won."

"Yea, so get up there" Lucas presses from behind us. On shaky legs the two of us walk up onto the stage where our principal awkwardly places our crowns on our heads.

"Congratulations" she says dryly before helping herself off the stage.

"You did it" Turner adds, appearing from behind where she stood. "Congrats sweetheart" he murmurs before turning the microphone back on and addressing the crowd once more. "Once again, your prom queens, Riley Matthews and Maya Hunter."

The gymnasium erupts in applause and in that moment, standing on stage in front of our entire class with my girlfriend's hand in mine, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Tugging Riley's arm, she glances back at me. "Can I have this dance my queen?" I ask formally.

Throwing her head back in laughter, she nods. "I'd love nothing more, my queen" she replies and together, we head for the dance floor, watching the crowd part for our moment in the spotlight. "I love you Riles." I murmur as I pull my girlfriend into my arms while the music swells around us.

"I love you more" she replies as we lose ourselves to the music.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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